Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ramblings from week 10

Week 10 now and it feels like I have hit a wall when it comes to assignments. I love what I am doing, but some of the assignments and the restrictions that are applied to the assignments seem kind of stupid.

I've been working on the current assignment for a few days now, and started it far too late. It's one that is overly frustrating and makes me want to tear my hair out. Although I keep on telling myself that it will be okay and I will have it completed to hand in on time.

It feels like summer has finally left and the days are much cooler (although I know a lot of people would disagree with me, but what do you expect from a girl who has grown up in the sub-tropics?). The cooler weather is probably not helping with my motivation to get this work done, because all I want to do is curl back up in bed under a blanket and read ghost stories or histories that are ignored by most historians.

I have my assignment open in a different window on my computer and sitting in front of me is a self-bribe to complete the work, although it's not having much affect (or is that effect... I always get those words confused). While the sun is shining outside the window a cool breeze is blowing into the room I am in and even with the birds singing it feels far too quiet here. And for the first time since starting this blog earlier in the year I am consciously writing in it as a form of procrastination. Rather foolishly I might add, since the assignment in the other window is due tomorrow and I still have mountains of writing and research to do.

That aside I have been doing well, and my results thus far have been better than I could have expected. And have felt enthused enough to apply for an intensive course over the winter break. Just a small update, and moment of procrastination and I have to get back to this assignment.


Anonymous said...

Are you still doing intensive course?

Also, have you seen this: http://vegannurse.wordpress.com/

Anonymous said...

Another link: http://pickyvegan.blogspot.com/2008/03/are-you-vegan-nursing-student-nurse-or.html