Friday, March 14, 2008

Week 4: ´puters, assignments and study groups

So here I am in week 4 with just one more week to go until the mythical ´week 5´ which is rumoured to be the week where youĺl know if youŕe going to make it or not.

This week found me settling in more and feeling temporarily less stressed... at least until I realised that I had yet another assignment due next week. There were other problems as well, with the power adapter for my laptop dying (after being replaced just 5 weeks ago!) hunting for a new and affordable ´puter (Asus Eee PC - affordable and cute and tiny at just 7¨), forgetting that I had to write a self-evaluation on the seminar I did last week and the seemingly unending state of exhaustion - not to mention the apparently impossible task of finding vegan nurses shoes.

There have been some good things this week as well. The study group that we´ve been discussing starting had itś first meeting this week and it proved to be an excellent idea- with all that attended feeling like they were more sure of what they were doing.

There seem to be some people in my classes that are drifting away more and in some cases the age differences are really starting to both show and be felt. I find myself wondering just how much longer it will be before some of the younger ones quit. Some of them are lovely, but it seems like they are out of their depth or not willing to accept the not so good parts of being a nurse.


Renee MBM said...

Can you use Crocs? moderately cheap. Otherwise, Mooshoes or Veganwares or... something else? Vegetarian Shoes in the UK. Maybe N. could send you some with cheaper postage!

Bass & Tea said...

I wish I could wear crocs, because they are awsomely comfy. I found some cheap shoes at Big W today, so that´s a good thing! I can wear them until I can save to get a really good pair.